Humanitarian & Compassionate Grounds (H&C)

This stream is a way for individuals who are not eligible to immigrate to Canada under other immigration programs to apply for permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

The legal test sets out specifically those applicants must clearly demonstrate that they would experience unusual and undeserved or disproportionate hardship if they were required to leave Canada.

The application will be assessed on the information the applicant provides and a decision will be made based on the applicant’s personal circumstances and whether these particular circumstances merit H&C consideration. Applications to become a permanent resident on H&C grounds are approved only in exceptional circumstances. It can take many years to process an application.

There is no guarantee that your application will be approved. If refused, in certain cases asking the Federal Court of Canada to review the decision is advisable. Many in-land H&C applications are based on a significant degree on economic and cultural establishment in Canada.

To determine your eligibility, get in touch with our consultants today.

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